My oldest daughter Kaitlyn turns four-years-old this month. I have a vivid memory of when she arrived and how I grappled with feedings and diaper changes every two hours. Also how I turned to coffee during the day to cope with sleep deprivation the first few months.

For the two years of Kaitlyn’s life, I wrote in a journal monthly–just a few paragraphs about what I was dealing with and how she was growing. When my second daughter Emma was born two years ago, I started a journal for her as well. I am still writing monthly in Emma’s journal, but it’s more about what we are doing as a family.

Last night I skimmed through Kaitlyn’s journal. It is amusing to look back on it and recall what transpired then–her first foods, first friendships at daycare, first steps at the park. We were fortunate the girls did not face any major health struggles.

When I find myself getting consumed with keeping clients happy, finding new work, finishing my book, collecting on past due invoices, etc., I put life in perspective and thank God for two healthy girls.

Kaitlyn the baby is gone. She asked me the other day if she could have sleepovers with her friends. I told her she was too young for that, but perhaps when she was older. She will often dress herself in the morning without my assistance.

My husband Jason and I wish Kaitlyn was not such a picky eater–we are working on getting her to eat more vegetables and Daddy’s recipes like chili and beef stew. Raisin toast with peanut butter and honey is the fallback dinner if she refuses to eat what I prepare.

I am also grateful she makes friends so easily and is outgoing. Next weekend we will celebrate her birthday. She requested a gym party with her closest friends. How could I say no?

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