Since I work from home, I get the chance to set my own hours. If need be, I will work early morning or in the evening to meet deadlines (when the kids are asleep). Two years ago I joined the Moms Club of Philadelphia at the recommendation of a friend. I was looking to meet up with other mothers for lunch or breaks and talk about our favorite topic–what is happening with our kids.

The Moms Club ( has chapters across the country. They are a support group for stay-at-home and working mothers. Each local chapter offers its own variety of activities for Moms and their children. Our chapter consists of down-to-earth moms who get together regularly for activities such as coffee breaks, walks in the park, playdates at a member’s house, trips to the zoo, etc. We also have a Moms Night Out each month and Quarterly Socials to give us a chance to have adult conversation without having to chase a toddler around or soothe a crying baby.

The Club has been an important part of my life as a working mother. After I gave birth to my second daughter, the Club delivered about two weeks worth of meals so we did not have to cook during this stressful time. I have formed friendships with some members. We don’t have family in the immediate area, but I know if there was ever an emergency a Mom from the Club would be able to help us out.

I now serve as Membership VP for the Philadelphia chapter, and answer questions from potential members about joining. It’s a good chance for me to give back, as I’ve reaped benefits from being an active member of the Club.

I recommend mothers look into joining their local chapter. There should also be a Dads Club–all parents need support. I suggested my husband look into starting one but he has no interest. Perhaps this is a business idea for some Dad to explore.

Posted in General, Uncategorized.

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