A new Swedish study revealed that a 45 minute or longer commute to work also translates to a 40 percent greater risk of divorce. More time away from home equates to more work for parents when they get home, more pressure and less downtime for themselves.

The researchers found the link between long commutes and broken marriages after mining over data from more than 2 million Swedes between 1995 and 2005. During that timeframe, the average trek to the office increased in Sweden by 17 percent from 23 minutes to 27 minutes.

Commute times are similar in the United States, averaging out at 25 minutes, according to the latest census. Residents of New York’s outer boroughs have the longest commutes, spending 40 minutes traveling to their jobs daily.

Study author Erika Sandow, Ph.D reported that all that time on the road is stressful for the commuter and takes its toll on families. More households expect men to play their part in family duties, she said, but if they’re not there, then those burdens fall back on the rest of the household.

Is your long commute impacting your home life negatively? If so, you could ask your employer for a flexible option. Could you work two days from home instead of five days in the office? Set a meeting with your boss and sell her or him on the benefits of an alternative work arrangement. If you have a good relationship with your boss and they value what you do, they might be apt to consider it. Negotiate for what you want–go for it!

If that fails, consider searching for a job closer to home. This would allow you to spend more time with your spouse and children, and alleviate the stress and exhaustion from a tough commute. If you are a working mother, always reassess how you can work more efficiently to create a better home life for your family.

Posted in General, Uncategorized.