As I approach 10 years in business, I thought the time was ripe to redo my website. My industry has changed dramatically–now social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), online video and blogs are the most popular social media tools used by public relations professionals, according to research by Fellows of the Society for New Communications Research. There is more pressure for companies in all industries to tweet, blog, communicate regularly with their customers and develop more followers.

A lot has changed for me personally since 2001. I moved from Manhattan to Philadelphia in 2006, got married and had two children. Traded in some business networking events for Moms Club events. I juggle deadlines with toddler meltdowns and changing diapers. Contemplate what I should feed my picky toddler while checking email for assignments or media inquiries. It has not always been easy – but my kids are a joy – and it helps my husband is a stellar cook.

On this blog, I will post tips for working mothers dealing with work-life balance challenges. Hope you find the insight helpful; please post feedback or suggestions.


Posted in General, Uncategorized.